I have been following your insightful contributions with great interest for years. I’m aware that you’ve already shared your thoughts on this topic publicly on several occasions. I think it’s a fantastic idea. Have you ever managed to convince a client to try this approach? Hearing about your experiences would be highly valuable.
For a veeery long time I haven't had any clients or projects for such an experiment.
So: Do your own research😁 If you find the idea appealing, try it yourself. Start by collecting cycle time data today. They are the foundation for forecasts. That's a start you don't need permission for from anyone. Here's a book I wrote about the topic: https://leanpub.com/vorhersagen-mehr-als-schaetzen
I have been following your insightful contributions with great interest for years. I’m aware that you’ve already shared your thoughts on this topic publicly on several occasions. I think it’s a fantastic idea. Have you ever managed to convince a client to try this approach? Hearing about your experiences would be highly valuable.
For a veeery long time I haven't had any clients or projects for such an experiment.
So: Do your own research😁 If you find the idea appealing, try it yourself. Start by collecting cycle time data today. They are the foundation for forecasts. That's a start you don't need permission for from anyone. Here's a book I wrote about the topic: https://leanpub.com/vorhersagen-mehr-als-schaetzen