Inspiration over Imitation
Why do so many change initiatives fail even if they are based on examples of success?
I think, one reason is a misunderstanding. They are trying to copy success, they are trying to “do it by the book”: “We’re going to follow the Scrum guide!”, “Let’s do it like Spotify is doing it!”
The failure does not happen despite the successful example, but because of it. Imitation of the successful does not work like cooking according to a recipe. (And even that does not always turn out like on the picture accompanying the recipe.) Success should not be imitated. Also, a book should not just be followed. That’s bound to lead to a lot of frustration.
Success should only inspire.
Inspiration really is enough. It leaves room for adaption. It does not gloss over all the differences that naturally exist between the successful and the admirer.
Let the successful be a muse kissing you. Don’t try to be like it. Be and stay yourself — but open yourself up for being different in all sorts of ways because of her.
Why the successful is successful is almost never really clear. Even if the successful seems to know what the (secret) ingredient to its success might be, don’t trust it blindly. But take it as an… inspiration. Maybe there is something to it; try it out. But don’t abdicate your judgement, your responsibility. Keep, what works. Try to adapt, what doesn’t. Discard, what seems counterproductive. All while you’re trying to be in balance between the new and the old, the inspiration and reality.
As an analogy think of a successful snowboarder: Of course she’s acting within the framework of natural laws, but still you should not imitate her. Don’t bend to the degree she’s bending; don’t turn your body at the speed she’s doing etc. There are so many invisible/unknown parameters affecting her bend and speed of turning which have different values for you and your situation, that your result would look very different and probably not successful. Still: Let yourself be inspired by how she’s moving!
There is an essence in what you see as successful behavior. Letting yourself be inspired means to distill this essence.
Extract it, then adapt it.